Chess and Its Best.

Chess and Its Best.

Friday, March 25, 2022

Chess Tournament is going on

#chess #tournament  #FIDE #AICF #biratichessacademy Registration is going on ..For Learning Chess call 9836614608..

#carlsen #chessmoves #chessmaster #chessgame #ChessChallenge #chesspiece #chess #lichess #bestphotochallenge #learnchess

#chess #tatasteelchess #praggnanandhaa 

The very Best game between Vishy Anand and Carlsen

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#biratichessacademy "

Chess learn from ALL INDIA CHESS FEDERATION Registered chess player Name Kunal Saha AICF ID 102501WB2021"

Contact No: +91-9836614608

Tags : how to play chess, chess, chess for beginners,how to play chess for beginners,chess lessons for beginners,beginner chess,chess strategy,beginner chess strategy,chess openings,playing chess for beginners,chess strategy for beginners,chess rules for beginners,chess openings for beginners,chess guide,beginner chess tips,learn chess,chess beginner guide,magic chess beginner guide,how to win at chess,chess rules,beginner chess lesson, #praggnanandhaa #carlsen #magnus 

Sunday, March 20, 2022

The very Best game between Vishy Anand and Carlsen

#chess #tatasteelchess #praggnanandhaa 

The very Best game between Vishy Anand and Carlsen

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"Chess learn from ALL INDIA CHESS FEDERATION Registered chess player Name Kunal Saha AICF ID 102501WB2021"

Contact No: +91-9836614608

Tags : how to play chess,chess,chess for beginners,how to play chess for beginners,chess lessons for beginners,beginner chess,chess strategy,beginner chess strategy,chess openings,playing chess for beginners,chess strategy for beginners,chess rules for beginners,chess openings for beginners,chess guide,beginner chess tips,learn chess,chess beginner guide,magic chess beginner guide,how to win at chess,chess rules,beginner chess lesson, #praggnanandhaa #carlsen #magnus 

Monday, March 14, 2022

Today in KPCA2022 #chess #tournament

Today in KPCA2022 #chess #tournament I have played against 93 years old Mr.Madhu Sudan Mukherjee. πŸŽ‰ "Sir It was an honour to play with you." 

You are a great player but today was my day, I have won the match. #chessmaster #ChessChallenge #chesspiece #Checkmate #chessmoves #chessgame #biratichessacademy #magnuscarlsen #magnum #grandmaster #oldisgold πŸŽ‰πŸŽ‰

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"Chess learn from ALL INDIA CHESS FEDERATION Registered chess player Name Kunal Saha AICF ID 102501WB2021"
Contact No: +91-9836614608

Tags : how to play chess, chess,chess for beginners,chess lessons for beginners,how to play chess for beginners,beginner chess,chess strategy,beginner, chess tournament, chess championship, birati chess academy, 

Tuesday, March 8, 2022

Chess Tournament Organised By Kolkata Police

 Birati Chess Academy | Chess Tournament Organised By Kolkata Police| Birati Chess Academy |

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"Chess learn from ALL INDIA CHESS FEDERATION Registered chess player Name Kunal Saha AICF ID 102501WB2021"
Contact No: +91-9836614608

Tags : how to play chess, chess,chess for beginners,chess lessons for beginners,how to play chess for beginners,beginner chess,chess strategy,beginner, chess tournament, chess championship, birati chess academy, 

Sunday, March 6, 2022

Birati Chess Academy | Praggnanandhaa vs Nakamura.

Birati Chess Academy | Praggnanandhaa vs Nakamura | Birati Chess Academy |

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"Chess learn from ALL INDIA CHESS FEDERATION Registered chess player Name Kunal Saha AICF ID 102501WB2021"
Contact No: +91-9836614608

Birati Chess Academy is the #1 kid's chess training academy in the world! we're experts in all things 'chess'! We'll introduce you to videos, lessons and content to help you learn chess rules, openings, and strategies!

✔️ Sign up for Kids Chess Training : BIRATI CHESS ACADEMY - 9836614608 πŸ’™ Like us on Facebook:

🐦 Follow us on Twitter: πŸ–Ό️ Follow us on Youtube: πŸ“± Follow us on Blog :

Birati Chess Academy is the #1 kid's chess training academy in the world! we're experts in all things 'chess'! We'll introduce you to videos, lessons and content to help you learn chess rules, openings, and strategies!
Our YouTube channel is the best place for quick chess lessons, tips and challenges! We've also had some incredible people on our channel. We believe that chess has the power to empower girls and boys to enhance their creativity, learn tactics and develop new strategies! ✔️ Sign up for Kids Chess Training : BIRATI CHESS ACADEMY - 9836614608 πŸ’™ Like us on Facebook:
🐦 Follow us on Twitter: πŸ–Ό️ Follow us on Youtube: πŸ“± Follow us on Blog :

#chessforbeginners #chessforkids #chess

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"Chess learn from ALL INDIA CHESS FEDERATION Registered chess player Name Kunal Saha AICF ID 102501WB2021"
Contact No: +91-9836614608

"Chess learn from ALL INDIA CHESS FEDERATION Registered chess player Name Kunal Saha AICF ID 102501WB2021"
Contact No: +91-9836614608

Tags : how to play chess, chess, chess for beginners, how to play chess for beginners, chess lessons for beginners, beginner chess, chess strategy, beginner chess strategy, chess openings, playing chess for beginners, chess strategy for beginners, chess rules for beginners, chess openings for beginners, chess guide,beginner chess tips, learn chess, chess beginner guide, magic chess beginner guide,how to win at chess, chess rules, beginner chess lesson, #praggnanandhaa birati chess academy

#chessmaster #chessmoves #chessgame #chessboard #ChessChallenge #lichess #grandmaster #chesstournament #chessgrandmaster #indianchessplayer #champion No.1.#Internationalchampion #chesspiece #biratichessacademy #tournament #chessolympiad2022 Representing India in International Level. #chessolympiad #chesscoach #chesscoaching #ChessChennai2022 #ChessOlympiadTorchRelay #ChessChallenge #chesslover #truechampion #kunalsir #chessclub #kidsactivities #education #newstoday #ABPAnanda #ABPNews #Zee24Ghanta #TimesOfIndia #TimesNow #newsoftheday #newsupdates #NewsAlert #news #SportsNews #indiancricket #chessboard #ChessNews #Chessindia #GrandFinale #Mindgame #chessmaster #abacus #kidsactivities #chessgame

Tags : how to play chess, chess,chess for beginners,chess lessons for beginners,how to play chess for beginners,beginner chess,chess strategy,beginner chess strategy,chess openings,playing chess for beginners,chess strategy for beginners,learn chess for beginners,chess rules for beginners,chess guide,gothamchess guide,beginner chess tips,learn chess,magic chess beginner guide,how to win at chess, chess rules, beginner chess lesson, beginner chess lessons

Chess offers numerous advantages for kids

Chess offers numerous benefits for kids: 1. Critical Thinking : It encourages strategic thinking and problem-solving skills as kids anti...