Chess and Its Best.

Chess and Its Best.

Tuesday, November 15, 2022

Why It’s A Must To Study Classical Chess Games

Why It’s A Must To Study Classical Chess Games

Nowadays many chess players concentrate mostly on openings and solving puzzles, thinking that it's the most important thing in chess. Well, that's, of course, important, but what about the strategy? 

Let me ask you a few questions

❓ You see a position, but you don't know whether to change that piece or not?

❓ Your opponent has weakness but you don’t know how to attack it?

❓ You look at the position and you don’t know what plan to choose?

Are these situations familiar to you? Well, such situations happen to everyone, to some very often, and to others quite rarely, but those, whom they happen rarely, have an advantage!

The same is in chess. The more classical-strategical games you know, the easier it's gonna be for you to orient in chess.

When you study famous games of the World Champions and grandmasters you see so many ideas and plans. You "install" in your mind so much new useful information.

But what about chess? You can’t take the phone to the game, and there is no map for chess! What’s the best way to learn “the streets” in chess? Classical Games!

Here I'll bring a few examples of the evident benefits of knowing classical chess games

Portisch L. – Kasparov G. 1989

 In this position, Kasparov played 1…Bd6! And after 2.Bd6 instead of 2…Qd6, he played 2…Nb5! His idea is to take the Bishop with Knight!

Now, although the position looks equal, Black has an advantage. White no longer can continue their typical Pawn majority attack in the queenside, because of the strong Knight on d6! If White continues 3.a4 then simple 3…a6. White's plan is stopped, while Black is going to create an attack on the kingside.

Well, it's good to have the skill to discover something incredible on the board, but it's also fine and even easier to learn all the incredible things that were already done by our great predecessors. 

Reference: GM Avetik Grigoryan via Chess Mood Dot Com.

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"Chess learn from ALL INDIA CHESS FEDERATION Registered chess player Name Kunal Saha AICF ID 102501WB2021"
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