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Friday, December 2, 2022

Colorado Gambit: A surprising Weapon for Blitz and Rapid Games -Aggressive Chess

Colorado Gambit: A surprising Weapon for Blitz and Rapid Games

Quick overview:

The Colorado Gambit is a subvariation of the Nimzowitsch Defense, arising after the move order 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 f5. It is a rare opening that mostly has value as a surprise weapon.

If White plays accurately, they will have a superior position. However, any stumbling by White can give Black some interesting chances.

White usually accepts the gambit, and valuation greatly prefers White when the gambit is accepted.

The opening mostly has value in quick time controls, as Black has trouble finding compensation. Black may have a hard time playing the opening as there is a lot of opportunity to tranpose to other openings. 

Introduction to the Colorado Gambit

The Colorado Gambit is a chess opening resulting after the moves 1.e4 Nc6 2.Nf3 f5.

Also known as the Lean Variation, this offbeat and aggressive line is a subvariation of the already rare Nimzowitsch Defense, in which Black plays the very uncommon 1…Nc6.

This Nimzowitsch already has a lot of potential as a surprise weapon, and the Colorado Gambit adds another layer to that. It is best used as a surprise weapon against opponents unaware of the lines.

The gambit has both safe and aggressive lines, but let’s be honest, if you’re playing f5 on move two, you’re probably best off keeping the game aggressive.

If you decide to play the Colorado Gambit, be aware that you won’t always be able to play it, as both the Colorado Gambit and its parent opening, the Nimzowitsch Defense, can transpose to many other openings.

Valuation is not great for Black after 2…f5. Engines give White a +1.5 advantage, so this is probably best avoided at classical time controls or in serious matches.

Chess openings for black, Chess traps for black, Chess trap, Chess tricks, Chess Opening, Attacking Chess, Chess gambit for Black, An Aggressive chess gambit opening against white 1. E4, Chess traps for black, Tricks to win fast for Black

The Colorado Gambit Accepted-3.exf5

This is the best move by White. Black would actually prefer for White to decline the gambit.

After White takes, however, they have moved the same pawn twice, and now give up control of the center. Black should seek the initiative immediately. This is no time to go passive.


Black stakes a claim in the center and immediately threatens to regain the pawn as their light-square bishop is now activated.

Any attempt by White to keep the extra pawn would be awkward. The only way to do so would make for very awkward development, so White should give the pawn back.

4.Bb5 Bxf5

White should play very aggressively as well, to create some counterplay to Black seeking the initiative.


White threatens Nxc6 bxc6 Bxc6+, forking the king and the rook.

Black must defend against this threat so plays 5…Qd6, which can prepare for a queenside castle.

6.d4 Nf6 7.0-0 Nd7

White stakes a claim in the center with d4, Black continues rapid development with Nf6, White castles to safety, and Black contests e5 with Nd7.

8.Bxc6 White now creates a weakness on Black’s kingside by doubling pawns on the c-file. This makes the prospect of castling queenside less appetizing.

8…bxc6 9.Bf4 Nxe5 10.Bxe5 Qg6

Black’s latest move hits c2 and is staring down White’s king.

However, Black still does not have compensation for this dubious opening. Their king is still in the center, their dark-square bishop has not been developed yet and is stuck behind the e-pawn, and their c7 pawn is hanging.

Reference : chessable dot com , matthew astle , google, chess dot com , chess strategy, etc. 

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